My world has always felt different. As a child I was shy, withdrawn. It's hard to play the fit in game when you know deep down that you don't.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Old School Building 1

I spent alot of my school holidays at an school in London called N.L.C.S. It was a big school and split up into different buildings.
The main building was know as the old school/building, due to it being the first bit built and used as a school.

You will hear more about this building because it used to scare me to death.
But I loved one bit of it. The garden right next to the building was my sanctuary.
The only way to get to it was to go past bits that scared me.
But in summer the garden would be lit up with beautiful flowers and so was well worth it.

Anyways I always felt a girl in the garden and she made it feel like home.
One day in summer I was walking around the pillars and looked at my sister who was leaning over at the middle Section where I have been told a boat statue used to be.
I saw a flash of a white figure standing next to her. I knew it was the girl right away. I walked halfway to my sister and called her to me. I told her what I saw and we kindda left it at that really.

This is the best picture of the garden that I could find. The pillars are just to the left of the picture. Can't find one that shows them.

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