My world has always felt different. As a child I was shy, withdrawn. It's hard to play the fit in game when you know deep down that you don't.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The Wave

Back when I was in my old room.... My dad tucked me in and turned the light off then went to the toilet. This is the room that had the big mirror standing on the floor.
If I looked at the end of the bed all I would see is the door (which was always left open when I was alone), so if I wanted to see into the hallway I had to look into the mirror.

I saw my dad leave the toilet and go to my brothers room (which was right next to mine), then I saw some ones arms poke out from around the corner of my brothers room. I could not see who they belonged too because the wall was in the way. They did some wave movements with their arms.
I don't know why but I smiled and giggled slightly. 
They pulled their arms back and that was that.
I never asked my dad if it was him. I know deep down that it was not him.
It never happened again.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Night-time/Daytime 2

About 8am I went to bed... I shut my eyes a could hear a few drunk foreign people talking outside. I tried my best to block them out as their voices started to vanish into the night.
Silence, for a few seconds, then a girl singing 3 words "(????) you see" She had a beautiful voice.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Old School Building 1

I spent alot of my school holidays at an school in London called N.L.C.S. It was a big school and split up into different buildings.
The main building was know as the old school/building, due to it being the first bit built and used as a school.

You will hear more about this building because it used to scare me to death.
But I loved one bit of it. The garden right next to the building was my sanctuary.
The only way to get to it was to go past bits that scared me.
But in summer the garden would be lit up with beautiful flowers and so was well worth it.

Anyways I always felt a girl in the garden and she made it feel like home.
One day in summer I was walking around the pillars and looked at my sister who was leaning over at the middle Section where I have been told a boat statue used to be.
I saw a flash of a white figure standing next to her. I knew it was the girl right away. I walked halfway to my sister and called her to me. I told her what I saw and we kindda left it at that really.

This is the best picture of the garden that I could find. The pillars are just to the left of the picture. Can't find one that shows them.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Spot Light

The biggest orb I have ever seen must of been around 10-15cm and was completely solid.
About 10 years back.. (I think) ... My sister sneaked out, as always back then, and left me alone in her room... (I was staying over and sleeping in her bed) ... now being scared of her room meant that I would hid under the cover.
I couldn't breath properly so I moved the cover slightly away from my face.
I thought the cover was still mainly blocking my view of the room, but when I opened my eyes I saw an giant orb just to the end of the bed moving towards the long mirror she had leaning up against the wall.
I  freaked out and hid under the cover and forced my self to go to sleep.
I don't think I ever told her about it

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Seeing Double

I must of been around 13 at the time.
Just sitting in the living room and felt something weird. I looked to the rats cage and saw a white rat leaning up on the glass.
Now our rat at the time was white but something about the one I was seeing seemed odd.
My brother was looking out the window and my dad was doing something at the other end of the room. I stood up and very slowly started walking towards the cage.
The rat vanished and I walked faster. When I got tot he cage I looked in and saw the rat curled up and sleeping in the corner. It wasn't him I saw.
When I thought back about the rat I saw I realized that everything about when was white and their eyes were slightly see through.
This was the first time I saw her. She was the rat we had before him and it was her old cage that he lived in.