My world has always felt different. As a child I was shy, withdrawn. It's hard to play the fit in game when you know deep down that you don't.

Sunday, 19 November 2017


Almost asleep and I felt like I had to opening my eyes.
Standing on the bed looking at me was, what looked like at least, a cat.
Shocked & now fully away, the split  second I saw it I blinked.
Then in that split second it went from the bed to the chair in the room.
Just standing on the head rest. When I blinked again in was gone.
It was very close to me and standing just like the cat in this picture.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Lazy Bones.

My partner got up early and I stayed in bed.
After a while I felt someone walk in and stand at the foot of the bed. 
At first I kept my eyes shut.
When they spoke it sounded like my partner, but he spoke about himself in a 3rd person view.
Telling me I should not leave him alone by sleeping in, its not nice.
Then I realised that where this person was standing is not really where anyone who walked in would stand to talk to me normally.
The foot of the bed was no where near the door.
I slightly opened my eye, expecting to see nothing, and saw a black figure walking away.
After this I took his advice and got out of bed.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Shadow Hand.

I'd like to start by saying that I am sorry that I have not been posting in a long while. 
I just tend to get caught up in things and forget random stuff.

But of course this doesn't mean that things have stopped.

About a month ago now. I was alone in the apartment when I looked up and saw a long black shadow arm coming from out the bedroom. 
It was at the bottom of the door and its hand was almost 20cm wide with really long fingers.
I got the impression that it was reaching for something.