My world has always felt different. As a child I was shy, withdrawn. It's hard to play the fit in game when you know deep down that you don't.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Cat On The Stairs

When I was about 15-16 we brought a cat. I was so happy, but what I didn't tell anybody was that it wans't just cos we got this lovely kitty that I was happy. I was also happy cos now when the noises of the spirits in the house were going on I could blame the cat.
No-one & no-thing could get up our stair without them creeking, and well sometimes in the middle of the night the stairs used to creek from bottum to top. Before we got the cat I used to tell myself it was the pipes, but I didn't really believe this because under our stairs was a walk-in cupboard and an outside storage space... in other words no pipes. Sadly the only times I couldn't blame the cat for the stairs was when she was sleeping on the end of my bed.

Man With The Knife

At random times durring every so many month, there would be this overwhelming fear of the man in my childhood house. In the middle of the night, no matter what bedroom I was in, I coulden't shake this feeling of a man walking up to each room holding a knife.
Afew years later I swaped rooms with my dad and the man with the knife would stop outside the door to the bed roombefore coming in... after the feeling of him opening the door it would all fizzle away. But still the fear of him when he walked the upstairs hallway, I could never get over that feeling.

Friday, 20 August 2010

I Can See A Tree In The Darkness

One night a few weeks ago I was talking to my little sister on msn. For some reason I brought up that I can see a tree moving outside. She started asking me what I was gonig on about and said there was no tree outside. I said I would show her and took a screen shot. It was not untill i blew up the picture of her on cam that i saw the man standing outside. My sister is on the first floor so no-one could of been standing out side.
Sorry for the bad spelling on the picture but it was 3am at the time that & my spelling sucks.

Current Day Troubles

I currently live in an apartment with my hubby. Not long after moving in I started to get the strong feeling of being watched. It's toned down a bit... I mean it doesnt feel so strong cos I asked him to keep it down a bit of it was un-nerving me a bit.
I thought of keeping a log a few days ago and it showed me how much he comes and go's.
I have tryed talknig to him but he doesn't want to talk just yet.
A few months ago he did say hello and I told him to go away and he said no, but he is nice. Saw him i the mirror the other week and well that scared me quite a treat. My husband doesn't seem to relise how much the watching bothers me, but you would be a bit at odd and ends sometimes if someone was watching you almost 24/7

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Old home, New rules

I don't remember what age I was when I first heard her say that single word "Hello"
I believe I was around the age of 13. That moment is still so vivid to me. Pulling the chain that held the weight so that the grandfather clock would keep working. That young girls voice lightly saying hello next to me.
I ran down the stairs and told my dad, he asked if I said hello back... I told him no.

We moved into that house when I was about 8. I don't know what took the spirits in that house so long to start talking to me. I'm sure it was happening before in the background.
I had always been scared of going up stairs and I had to sleep with the light on in the hallway and the door open.

I will post more soon.. going back to my first encounters to the present day.